does anyone know this handsome dude? spence grew to 7 feet tall (trick photography ?). this is spence out walking with Neera his physical therapist. we won't make fun of his granny knee-high stockings, actually he had a few dollar bills in them! these few steps are what he is most proud of at this point. oh and the fact the he no longer has to have pureed food. the last 2 days he has had spaghetti and meatballs. of course he will tell you its nothing like his mom's (big surprise,huh!) but good nonetheless. i think just the solid food is awesome. the one other thing he wanted was Dr. Pepper,which he got, but then told me i could go to wal-mart and buy Dr Thunder for 30 cents cheaper. just a random thought i guess? to all the friends and family who visited this week, you know how much he loves your visits. i know with school vacation over it will be much harder,but if anyone needs a ride,directions etc let us know.
a new ritual for spence is having the comments from this blog read to him at bedtime,actually we read them to him 2-3 times a day. but at bedtime especially is calming to him. SO KEEP'EM COMING
Spencer you look great!! I'm so glad to hear that you can have solid food now. I bet it will all taste great. Keep up the good work.My thoughts and prayers are always with you..Mrs. Lopes..library
this is probably the cutest picture i've ever seen. and i'f you're seven feet tall now, i'm gonna be getting some pretty huge neck cramps trying to look up at you. keep up the hard work, i'm coming up today. i'll see you soon, i love you. :D
<3 brittany.
uh oh, i just realized something.. WHERE'S SUPERSPENCE? i bet he's strapped to your back right? ;D
I absolutely love the picture! You have been handsome since the day you were born. Now you are handsome, strong, and courageous. Keep up the great work. Maybe Mom can bring in some of her food for you soon. Know that everyone is praying for you and your family. Thank you for the inspiration you and your family is giving us.
seven feet? that means your a whole foot and 10 inches taller than me.. i think i might have a weekend of milk and sleep.. do you think it will work? probably not, but i guess its worth a try right? I should be up today, so i'll bring you those dinosaur stickers i told you about... So i'll see you soon and "behave"
<33 Heather
Spence! This picture is waaay cooler online! Your feet really must be hanging off that bed by now!! Keep up the good work, you'll be taking a nightly down the halls before you know it!! Love ya
<3 Erin
Here is that Sunshine "Girl" again letting you know how happy we all are to check your blog everyday and see the remarkable progess you are making. It must be that homemade chicken soup your Mom brought you the other day and some of that contraband pudding that has given you the strength to go stepping out. I have friends/relatives all over the country praying for you and you are proof that it is working. :-) Keep on stepping and soon you'll be running. Now Nanna has a new project going (rice bags) to take the place of some of those quilts she works on. I'm sure these are made with lots of love.
Yea spence! Tell em' to get you some Dr. Thunder. Dr. Pepper just isn't the same. It's pretty awesome that you can eat some solid food now. Keep working your ass off in physical therapy, you promised you would haha. Later man, stay strong.
Spencer, you are simply amazing, you know that? You wouldn’t believe how excited I was when you called me Friday night. My heart started pounding and right when we hung up I called amy, then my mum, then my grandma. I was so excited I couldn’t stop talking about it for hours. And seeing you yesterday, it just about made my year. You look amazing, I’m so proud of you! Keep it up and you’ll be out in no time. I’m keeping my promise about seeing you soon, amy and I are planning to come back up next weekend if that sounds good with you and your mum. Can’t wait for your phone call on Thursday!
Love you with all my heart,
That's a pretty awesome pic, Spence. I'm glad to see that you're getting better with each passing day. You look reallllly happy to be up and walking around! Keep it going, Spence! You're doing great!
Sam =]
p.s. dr. thunder is AMAZING.
Hey Spence,
That's awesome!!! Keep up the good work :) and yeah I want some of your mom's spaghetti and meatballs too... OR actually my favorite chicken and rice. I definitely need to come visit for that and also because you guys always know about the best you tube videos. Well love you and miss you!!! talk to you soon :)
Spencer I am so proud of you!! I absolutely loved seeing you yesterday! And when you're back home, I will definitely take you to get some 30 cent Dr. Thunder, on me, haha. I miss you terribly and I can't wait to see you again! As Kim already said, we're gonna come up again soon because we both love you so much! Keep up the good work man! And I hope those cats keep you good company, not that you were lacking it with all those stuffed animals ;)
Love tons and tons and tons,
hey spenceeee
awesome to see you standing up! also, solid food is one step closer to some fantastic sandwiches via the egg maker. and chicken salsa!!! my favorite nuttall dinner. mmmm....soon, right?!
tomorrow i start my 'd blocks with desousa'...that's what I just decided to call them. i'm pretty psyched. and i won't forget to tell her and mrs chaves that they're awesome and you miss them!
swim wasn't as great today as last week, but i did get a cool orange ribbon. sorry I didn't come see you after, but at least I got to see you on thursday. i hope you're enjoying the pudding!
I'll talk to you soon and visit too hopefully, i miss you a ton!
alana xoxo
Hey Spence... can't believe I haven't left a comment for ya in so long... you're doing incredible, man! Awesome to hear you can eat real food. But I shouldn't be surprised; if anyone could do it, it'd be you. You're making great steps in your recovery... maybe not graceful steps, but great steps! Keep it up, dude.
WOW you look great!! Plus able to eat too, of course not like Mom's famous cooking but I bet it all tastes good to you after the diet you have had for the past few weeks. We think about you all the time. Hugs to all of you, Keep up the great work.
Love The Walshes
Dude! That looks exactly like my prom picture. My dance instructor made me wear a helmet because I kept hitting my head on my date. I got stuck in the parking lot Saturday because the machine said my card had expired so you must be making better time walking than me. Keep up the good work.
Uncle Ted
Hey there handsome,
You look great. It's so good to see you again(since I can't bug you at the pharmacy). I'm glad your making those girls work so hard (make them earn every cent). Thomas and I were trying to find the pic that your mom took at your house of you, Zach, Thomas and Colm, back in 8th grade I think. Once we come across it, it's coming to you. Hey did you master the rubik's cube yet? Keep on truckin. love, The Earleys
Hello Spencer
We're happy to read about how much progress you are making, one day at a time. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family. Keep up the good work. The Davises, Eric, Sue, Nate and Leah.
Hi Spencer,
My son Jonathan Pires and Dan Standring both know you. I am Johns Mom. I just want you to know we have been thinking of you and praying for a healthy recovery. Actually my Mom did her rehabilitation at Spaulding and they were amazing!! And also had her surgery at MGH. Sounds like you are doing really well, keep up the good work!
If there is anything at all we can do for you and your family please let me know.
Annette (Jon's Mom)
Hi Spencer!
Way to go!!! You are absolutely an amazing guy!! Your mom and dad must be so proud of you!!! Please give them both a big hug and kiss for me and tell them that I think about all of you every day!! Thank you for putting in that picture - it was great to see you up! I send your updates to Marie and Mike too.
Miss you alot. I've been working on a ArrayLists and now sorting and searching. No one here to bounce my ideas off of. My prep period is lonely not having you to work with. Miss your smiling face...think of you every time my daughter takes out her Rubics Cube. The guys in programming all send there best. They still haven't caught up to you in programming yet...how slow are they??? Hang in there. Can't wait for you to get back here.
Mrs. Chaves
PS. Mrs. DeSousa thinks she's your favorite teacher...but I know better.
Hey Spencer- looking great!
We love reading about your progress maybe as much as you like all the comments from people. I just had a flash back of you teaching me how to use your computer at like 6 years old. Now uou are a brilliant man! - I still can't believe how all the kids are getter older - yet I am still only 25. Ha! - Glad you are getting solid food & no one can beat your Mom's.
Sending our love and prayers to all the Nutts. love
The Dunderdale fam :o)
Spencer, we just wanted to say that you look wonderful standing in the picture! Alex says you have improved a lot since before Feb. vacation. You are getting better everyday. Keep up the good work!
Love, Valerie, Lou, Nichole & Alex
Spencer - We are so happy to hear and see you are doing so well. And don't let anyone tell you those socks aren't stylin'.....I imagine just about any solid food is tasting great even if it's not mom's, but not to worry - when you get home, I am sure your mom will be cooking anything you want for a long time! Keep making such great strides and know we are all still praying for you every day. Keep the faith and a big HELLO to the whole family!
Love The Waters Family
Hey Spence!! You look great and we miss you so much here in the waldron household! =) I'm sooo happy you are getting better and we love you !!
<3 Danielle and of course Matt, Wendy, Ken, Em, and Ab!!
Hi Spencer,
It was so good to see you yesterday...the change from when you were in the ICU is 1000% better. I know you will be walking, no running in no time to keep up with all those babes that are visiting you!!!lol! You might want to let them know Courtney is your cousin not more competition.hehe! Let mom know that Court got her prom dress on the way home red w/ white polka dots(you know how she likes to stand out in a crowd)
Well keep up the good work and we'll be up to see you soon!!!
Love Auntie Cheryl
It goes without saying....how you & your family are in my nightly prayers for all of you to have the strength to get this done...
Of course you had Spaghetti & Meatballs (not from a can, like someone in your family sneaks sometimes) When it comes to your Mom's cooking, I suppose I would give you the edge in being served" 1st"....but, hey once you are home "every man for himself" and we all know if it's cutlets...Well Carter..may wrestle you for the "1st". Spencer you look wonderful and strong...Keep going my Buddy...good things are ahead.
Mary, Mary
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