a couple of pictures. the first is spence walking with a cane for the first time and the second is spence with 2 of his favorites teachers.
I guess its settled now, I always told spencer that i was Mrs. DeSousa's favorite student but i will admit defeat i have been replaced by you Mr Spencer Robert Nuttall.
Timing is everything, I walked in today to learn from spencer that he had just experienced the 3 P's all at one time. (he peed,pooped and puked). remember that taste test i mentioned about the pizza the floor was making,lets just say i am glad i missed it. the making of the pizza was fun for him,the first time he ate it was good,but not so much the second time around.
as far as PT went today, he walked again with a cane which he is most proud of. also he tried more of standing on his own. the therapists had him let go of everything while tossing a ball into a bucket. the purpose of this is for him to keep his balance.
to the red hair brigade: you guys rock!!!!
Hi to all the Nutts. Thanks so much for letting me know of this blog as I have to keep stopping myself from calling to see how everything has been progressing (yes, my mind is in a positive mode...usually) ;-)
Spence, from what I have read you are making GREAT strides (no pun intended.....well, maybe it was) and your perserverence do not surprise me in the least! Keep up the good work.
prayers, love and hugs to all,
Hey Spence-
ok, you are not the only one that has done the 3 P's all at once-your body does some funky things when your pregnant-(ok TMI)just figured I would let you know your not alone- HA!
Just keep swimming Spence -
your are doing great! - Love Mary D
Hey Spence!...great to hear you got all that out of your system hehehe! I heard about the puking but you didn't tell me the rest of the good news! Its so great to see all the progress you're making we're all still very proud! The Red Haired ladies (and Carter) love you very much!! Love you!...call ANYTIME you want lol it's great to hear from you once in a while and keep doing those kisses for me!!
Yesterday definately was a big day for you spence and i can't tell you enough how proud i am of you! your group is now up to 113 members so between last night's phone call to today's post 11 people joined! You are truely loved! I can't wait to see you again i miss you already! Make sure you tell Neera that Kaitlynn says hi! and keep up your amazing work! love ya lots!
<33 Heather
P.S Give spiderman a spin for me this time =0)
Hi Spence,
Love the picture....I think you look the best in it. Well now that it is out everyone is going to know that your my favorite....sorry guys...I have to call it as I see it. Loved seeing you Saturday, hang in there and keep working hard!!!!
Love ya,
Mrs. Chaves
PS. Give your mom a hug...what an awesome women!!!!
Hey, Wilbur!! You look awesome!!! I am so proud of you! Hopefully, Melina will get healthy soon and I can come in to see u. She wants to visit too.
love u
David, I am sorry you have been replaced as my favorite student, but you have to admit, I made a great choice...Spencer, it was wonderful seeing you..you are on the road to recovery..my prayers are always with you..by the way, your mom has offered to cook for me when you get home..I hear she is an incredible cook..love Mrs. D
Spencer you look great! You are going to look great with your red mohawk too. Keep up all the hard work you're doing an awesome job.
Spencer, Keep plugging,its looks like you are making great progress.We loook forward to seeing you, on your summer'visit to your Grandmother.
Lenahans -St. James
Spence -
Ah,I remember when my father published in the Gazette the first time I experienced the Triple P's. Proud moment for all of us. Must have been the speed.
Uncle Ted
PS- That's one bad hat Harry
spencer, you will not believe how much your uncle ted cracks me up. i think i've probably literally laughed out loud at every one of his comments. i looooove your smile in that picture with mrs. chaves and mrs. desousa. it just makes me happy. everyone at work says hi and they miss you. so keep kicking butt in PT and hurry on home so they can see how awesome you're doing. =]
i love you, see you soon.
<3 brittany.
Hey Spence! Great pics... I wish I could see you in person ugghh!!! Well keep up the great work, love you!
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