Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I feel like a million bucks right now, being home! and so ready for superspence and bodacious britt's movie weekend extravaganza! lol!i am also ready for real food from mom and a real computer and cable tv!


rn_missy said...

Spencer! I'm so sorry I missed you on Tuesday, but I'm just thrilled that you're HOME!!! I know this has been a tough road for you, and there are plenty of challenges to come. You're strong, though, and every day you're going to get better and better. Just because you're home doesn't mean no more updates on this blog spot! :) Take care and I hope to see you and your family again. It was such a privilege taking care of you, and your friends and family are amazing, kind, funny, strong people. Keep working hard!
Missy :)

narerozi said...

Welcome Home, Spence!!! Saw your Dad in Target on Tuesday and I asked if you were home as there was a Welcome Home sign on your door ;-)...good indication that you WERE home, but just had to ask..LOL!

prayes, love and hugs to all the NUTTS,

jackie nuttall said...

OMG!!!! This is so awesome. I thought you were to stay in the hospital for a week or two even after the surgery. That's what Uncle Scott told me. I should know better than to listen to him! How many more years of marriage will it take me to learn that lesson? We are so proud of all that you have accomplished, but mostly that you have managed to keep that great sense of humor of yours while going through all that has happened. You are amazing! Keep up the hard work. I know that being home will just drive your determination to make a full recovery just that much stronger. I can't wait to tell a bunch of second and third graders tommorrow the fantastic news. Loveyou, The Florida Nutts
P.S. This calls for an ice cream celebration!

MaryD said...

Hey Spence! - so glad you are home!- I asked Max if his class had sent any letter yesterday and he is the one that told me last night you were home. Yes my 7 year old knows more than me. Good luck on your recovery at home and here's to sleeping in your own bed & eating Mom's cooking!
Love the Dunderdale fam

Brittany Lavoie said...

heck yes, moviess!!!!
welcome home superspence!

ProSports said...

Hey, I'm a reporter and looking to write up a story on you and your upcoming fundraiser so i am looking for an interview before monday? Could you please check your cell as soon as possible and get back to me? Thanks!

Bob Bradshaw said...

awesome news, Spence! glad to hear your home. have some chicken salsa for me!

DEBBIE W said...

Welcome home Spence, Warren St finally feels right again, and it seems like the sun has come out and the warmth has returned just in time for your homecoming. Your an amazing person, we are so glad you are doing so well.
Love the Walshes

Steve Owens said...

Hey buddy, i saw your mom tonight and i heard that you are doing better, at home finally lol away from the nasty hospital food :) we're all pulling for you at school, love you bud

Anonymous said...

hey spence! wow i can not believe that you had a stroke dude i am so sorry i was just scrolling through facebook looking for old friends from Taunton when I saw the support group for you and i was totally shocked. you probably are tired of people saying sorry but damn i really hope you recover well mate i can't imagine how hard this is for you. closest thing i can relate to it is sophomore year when i pulled my hip flexor and couldn't run for a year but that doesn't even come close! i miss you mate haven't seen you or any of the other middle school crowd in years every time i try and plan a trip back there everyone is busy or I am. track, xc, girlfriend and school take up ALOT of time lol. I got accepted to a bunch of colleges and was recruited for running to 4 of them including the one i have decided to go to, Keene State in NH. hows everything going for you ( aside from that nasty stroke )? looks like you have a lot of people here who love and support you mate and thats just a tribute to your character, all i can remember about you is how nice/funny/lovable/strong of a person you were and it doesn't seem like much has changed. you looked good in the pics i saw of you to looks like you got a lot taller and you look a ton like our dad lol. well i hope you keep gettin better mate im puling for ya! talk to you soon hopefully!

Earleys said...

2 days of Ryan in the hospital was enough for me, I can't imagine 81!!
I can feel the warmth you have inside just being in your familiar surroundings, and I'm so happy for you that your finally there. Plan to see the fam at your fundraiser, cuz we're all gonna be there. Love to you all, The Earleys

Michaeline said...

Spencer - Welcome Home!! We are SOOO happy for you and your family! It must feel fantastic to be back home with your family!!!!! I also hope you continue with your blog so we can keep up as you continue to go forward!

Donna - I think of you every day! Marie and I want to take a ride up some day once things settle and you get used to your whole family being home again!

As always I send lots of love and prayers your way!!!!

janet said...

hello there spence welcome home. WE are so happy for you!!!! We miss you so much we would love to see you in north carolina soon. WE DEFINATLY HAVE TO GIVE A SHOUT OUT TO DONNA. You have been so good during this whole thing. Bannie says your the best daughter she has ever had.
your north

janet said...

typo sorry it is supposed.

the north carolina girls

All-Star-Team said...

Glad you're home Spencer!
We have been thinking of you and the family alot!

Tell your mom we said hello!

Marc (The Call), Lisa, Jack & Baby R. (who will be born TODAY!!!!)

Brittany Lavoie said...

excuse me.. nuttalls? i've been hearing people requesting another blog update around town. maybe we should keep 'em posted. =P

haha considering it's april 23rd. :D

Taylor Johnson :] said...

Hey Spence!
I will someday exceed your amazing rockband skills! just you wait and see :) however, i dont think i will ever live up to your singing talent :P "sabboootage"

tell liv that my jail time (i mean "grounding") is ALMOST over!

- from: the greatest rockband player of ALL TIME (i think that possibly is an exaggeration)