Saturday, February 9, 2008

weekends at the hospital- not much goes on,pretty much a skeleton crew only. Spence did get to sit in a chair today, they have to lift him up with a trapeze and swing him to go from the bed to chair. kinda funny the production it can take to go 2 feet,but we will take what we can get. he is starting to eat semi-solid food. mashed potatoes,pudding etc.

everyday we see a little improvement so we know he is trying his best. Once again, thank you for all the well wishes and keep them coming.


Heather said...

We are all happy to hear any accomplishments Spence makes... Keep it up and stay strong spencer! I miss you and can't wait to see you... Im praying for you..I love you spence the fence!

Thomas Morehouse said...

Yea, dude, today it's sitting in a chair, tomorrow it's walking around, You can do it spence!

The Demon Barber of Warren St said...
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The Demon Barber of Warren St said...

Spence! I'm so proud of all your progress!! We miss you a lot back here in Taunton, everytime I see someone in a red jacket on the way into school I think for a minute its you lol... It's just not the same without you! Love you!
<3 Erin

Eva said...

From requesting to keep his CT scans to a timely parental flip-off to single-handedly solving a Rubik's cube to his surprising anal printing capacity to reviewing tapes of his x-rays - does anyone have any doubt that Spencer will have a full recovery? Here's to a great young man of the highest intelligence, sensitivity and determination - all virtues passed along to him by his loving parents and supported fully by his family and friends. Spencer, we love you and we anxiously anticipate hearing about your recovery and return to your wonderful life.

Sr.Betty said...

Villa Fatima sends good thoughts, prayers and wishes for your complete recovery, Spencer. Every day brings renewed hope. I'm sure it felt good to be out of bed and to eat "real food". Keep trying .. you can do it.
Love from all of us.

Brittany Lavoie said...

i can't stop replaying this one line in my head, "juice me baby." =]

haha ok, i need one of you guys to read this to spence for me. in case i don't get to see him before valentines day.

bodacious: (adj.) - remarkable; outstanding.

tell him he was right, it was the second definition. ;D

i love you guys!
<3 brittany.