Saturday, March 1, 2008

As of tonight, spencer is not the only one with kickass hair. The girls of Team Spence (and carter) all dyed some piece of their hair red today in honor of his red mohawk to be.

Spence wants to thank everyone who has stopped by this weekend. Special shout out to Mrs. DeSousa and Mrs. Chaves for making his day.


Brittany Lavoie said...

spencer, might i add that team spence had so much fun with it. we can't wait to put some red into your hair [i'm doing the honors.] see you soon.

<3 brittany. xoxox
ps. you're always on my mind, keep getting better. i'm always here if you need anything.

Matt said...

Hi Spencer,
We all think of you all the time and I am so happy that your mom sent me how to get on your blog page. I just wrote a note to you but figured out that I wasn't a member yet so I signed up and hopefully you will get this ok.

Matt and Ashley say hello and ask about you all the time. But now we will be able to check in with you.

I hope you know that we are here for your and don't hesitate to call if we can help with anything!

Take Care and I will check back soon.


Heather said...

We had a kickass time dying our hair badass red spence! When you do yours we will all come to see the "beauty in the making". As carter said "beauty is painful..and takes forever!" I'll see you soon ok?

<333 Heather
P.S Hit spiderman for me!

The Demon Barber of Warren St said...

Spence, Everyone's hair looks sooo cool! I have to say tho, you're going to love Carter's I think everyone really liked his the best! We all must really love you huh? Lets just hope we don't get called down to the office on Monday for being in some kind of weird gang! Love you kid...see you soon
<3 Erin

leelee67 said...
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leelee67 said...

Hi Spencer this is your dads cousin Lisa..Uncle Kenny and Aunt Phyllis wish you the best.. I keep them updated with the blog since neither one of them know how to turn a computer Spencer even though we really don't know each other i would like you to know that you inspire me to live my life to the fullest everyday!!!!keep your spirits up and hold your head high.. Lisa( The Haskins Family)

Kendra said...

Spence i cant wait till you see everyone's hair everyone looks so good, actually like erin said carter's looks the best. I cant wait till you get yours done then everyone will match :) I loved seeing you yesterday and hope i can come this coming week sometime.
love always, kendra

smp said...

Spencer, Donna, Dave, Olivia and Carter-
Sorry it's been some time since I posted here. However, we have been keepig up with all of the news. I have been keeping my family and friends up to date as well and we all continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. The news of you walking with a cane is great. I'm sure all of the OT, PT and everything else you are doing is exhausting but I am sure that you are acing all of it. Keep up the hard work and positive thoughts. As someone else wrote that you inspire them to live their life to the fullest, You have inspired many of us to live each day to the fullest. Dave and Donna, you have raised 3 wonderful children and the bond they share is due to the both of you and the family values you have instilled in them. You are the best!! We love you all and please call if you should need anything.
Love the Pierce Family

rn_missy said...

Hey, I thought I said the mohawk should be BLUE! :) That's cool, though, red will look snazzy! Be sure to post some pictures when you get it done!
Missy ;D