Friday, March 28, 2008

I screwed something up yesterday because i posted a message but yet there was nothing there. The floor had their spring fling party yesterday all caught on videotape by donna. they has some thinking events (ie crossword puzzles,word searches) for prizes. they had an egg hunt. that was kind of cruel getting them going on a sugar high just before visiting hours began. Somehow i see it as pay back for all those years of sugar highs from our egg hunts. The culmination was the hallway 4 x 4 relay. does not sound exciting but when you see the effort it is priceless. all the kids using walkers,quad canes,wheelchairs,or those who could walk but had no balance, doing what they had to do to go forward. BTW (that's "by the way " for anyone over 25 trying to figure out computer lingo) Spencer Rocked. He kicked butt against his former roommate and i am told did a little trash talking to boot. GO SPENCE


Auntie Shannon said...

Hey, Wilbur you didn't eat any CORN before the races did you?????
Love u

nana and papa said...

Hi Spencer
I knew once you got those new wheels you would be racing Gregg. Glad to hear you had a fun day. We know you are working so hard on your recovery keep up the good work. See you soon.

Sr.Betty said...

Hi Spencer.
That video tape must be priceless! You've had a busy week and you're making great strides. I'm sure the ICU staff were amazed and proud to have been part of your recovery. Keep up your courage and keep on working with that lazy elbow.
Love and prayers from all at FV..

Waldrons said...

Hi Spence,
I'm happy that you kicked butt at the race!! Miss you!!

Heather said...

haha way to go spencer! keep up the amazing work! I miss ya tons hope to see ya soon! stay strong!!

<33 Heather

Sam Mattos said...

I was in a store just the other day, and they all all the easter eggs and stuff on sale/clearance, 'cause it's after Easter, and all I could think about was the Nuttall family egg hunt! So, I'm really glad that you guys still managed to have your own egg hunt! I'm also anxiously waiting for the video of the egg hunt!

Mary Mary said...

David mentioned that perhaps there was "trash talk"....during the recent far as I'm conerned trash talk all you sooo deserve to say whatever you want....
Mary, Mary

Brittany Lavoie said...

i cannot wait to see the video. i'm pretty determined to get that camera working so i can see it when i come up next. =] hopefully that will be sooner than later. love and miss you!

<3 bb. ;D

Brittany Lavoie said...

oh! ps, thank you so much for that two armed hug yesterday. it totally made my week. i've never felt safer than i did in your arms. :D


TedG63 said...

Be careful with the trash talk I still say I saw your ex-roommate Greg on the first three seasons of The Wire. You know if you really want to compete maybe your dad can push you in the marathon. I'll be there to cheer you on and to give him cpr

Unknown said...

Wow good thing I'm still 25 in a few months I don't know if I can keep up with the lingo! Well glad to hear you had a good time, talk to you soon!! Love you :)

Michaeline said...

Hello Spencer!

Sounds like things are going well up there! Racing? You are so amazing! I would love to see the video!!! Keep up the fantastic work - you are such an inspiration!!!

Spence, himself said...

my dad screwed up a little on this post it was actually a 5x5 relay, and there were no crossword puzzles just one really hard wordsearch! But we did have flower lays!