He Made IT!! Real clothes,outside for fresh air.the "short bus". this smile lasted for the whole 2 hours out. What we all take for granted!! Spencer had a new doctor today interview him about his trip out, i think his name was Dr. Phil.
Dr Phil: How many days have you been in the hospital?
Spence: "way to many" (48 actually)
Dr Phil: How does it feel to wear real clothes?
Spence: "pretty awesome"
Dr Phil: What was it like when you got the that first breath of fresh air after 48 days in the hospital?
Spence: It was amazing, the best air yet!!
Dr Phil: you mean to tell me that todays air was better than the first breath you took at birth.
Spence: Well DUH!! I dont remember my birth
Dr Phil: good point!
Dr Phil: What was it like to be out and having to get around in a wheelchair?
Spence: It was pretty cool to be independent but I never realized how many turns and corners there are in the stores of a mall
Dr Phil: What was your favorite part of the day?
Spence: finding a sword at KB toys to battle the nurses and greg back at the hospital, and getting a soft taco at TACO BELL.
Dr Phil: let me get this straight you go to the mall and are satified with basically a happy meal? you know a toy and fast food.
Spencer's Dad (from the audience) : Why cant it be this easy with his sister!!
Spence: Not quite, someone promised me a CRUNCH RAP SUPREME from TACO BELL and I am looking forward to that day.
Dr Phil: any last thoughts for your adoring public
Spence: Yes 2 things. 1. thank you for reading and come back soon. 2. i have know idea what uncle teds last latin message says, but i do know blogum is not a latin word.
I love that picture it is great!! I hope you enjoyed the outdoors!!! I am sure you were extremely happy! Hope you had fun at the Cambridge mall!
P.S. GOOD MOVE WITH THE DR. PHIL INTERVIEW! I must say that made me laugh. You Nutts are good.
I love the picture...especially the sword....I also love the WPI sticker. It would appear that I am now famous because of you. Everywhere I go people stop me and ask me aren't you the teacher in the picture with Spencer???...of course I correct them and tell them I'm your favorite teacher (sorry Mrs. DeSousa). Last Sunday I ran into Sister Betty from Villa Fatima, she had seen me on your blog and was telling me how much she loved you as a student and how you are the only student who attended VF for three years attending when you were younger than everyone else...we were marveling at how smart you are. Things are quiet here at THS. The programming guys have finally caught up with you...now we are just reviewing for the AP test....I'm still lonely here during my prep...I'll set up a link for you when you finally have internet access. Keep working hard...can't wait for you to come home. Love ya,
Mrs. Chaves
Spencer - that is fantastic! We have two things in common from yesterday - shopping and a love for TACOS!!!
Te quiero,
Spencer, You look great in that picture!! I'm sure you totally enjoyed being out. I'm with you on the Taco Bell. Love it!
You are amazing.
Valerie, Lou, Nichole and yes, even Alex (pepper says hi too)
Hey Spencer...it must have been so great shopping(yeah right) if you brought your cousins we good have stuffed all the bags in your wheelchair. Hoping 2 see you this weeknd!!
love, auntie Cheryl
PS-Drew has lots of weapons to fight off evil nurses if you need them...maybe a lightsaber???
Oh Spencer,
You look soooooo good!! I'm so glad for you that you had your first taste of freedom. That must have been such a pivotal moment for you. I can't believe it's been so long in terms of time, that you've been in the hospital. Yet so short(time wise) when you look at how far you've actually come. I really want to apologize for not being able to make it over to see you yet, probably not until April vacation. Thanks to this blog(god bless your family), we can atleast keep in touch. We love ya Spence, keep on keepin on. The Earleys
I love it! You finally got out of that damn hospital, YAY! So I've had a psychotic week and am just catching up on the last four posts on your blog. You have come such a long way and I know you are just going to keep on going!! I would love to come by and see you, but I have no idea where you are anymore, so tell your dad to include that info in the next post! :)
So I also saw the new "theory" about the arteriovenous malformation in the lung. That would definitely explain things, and if there is an AVM in your lung, I'm pretty sure they could fix that through a process called embolization.
Anyway, I'm so glad you're doing so well and keep it up!!
~Missy~ ;D
Spencer you look so happy! I'm so glad that you got to go out.
So glad to see such a beautiful smile! I am reading your blog almost daily and very glad to see what tremendous progress you are making! I just learned how to post, I really need you to help me out bud! LOL. I hope to see you soon, until then, keep up the great work, you have a strong constitution and willovercome anything!
Moms boyfriend AKA Dan
HEY Spencer, SOOOOO glad you got out of the hospital,you must have felt great, Taco's and shopping what a perfect combo, loved the picture too. we are amazed at your progress and can't wait until you get home.So nice to have this blog, keeps us all in touch. Love to all the Nutts, Keep up the great work Spencer.
Love The Walshes
sweet pic, spence!
i think your first job, when you get home and resume your filmmaking career, is to actually record your interview with dr. phil. I'm sure by that time, dr. phil will be making house calls.
Good thing you got out on Friday. as any good Latin scholar know Saturday is the Ides of March. When I was in school my Latin teacher Mrs. Bliss woulWd have us all dress up in sheets and togas and walk around the halls of the school mourning Caeser. At the end of the day when I went to the bus some older jocks would stop me and ask me if I was one of the guys walking down the halls wearing a sheet and I said yes then: slam, zot, zing, thonk, bop. When I picked myself off the ground they would ask me if I was going to do it again next year and I said I had to take a language then slam, zot, zing, thonk, bop. So beware the Ides of March
awww, poor uncle ted. good thing there's nobody brave enough to stand up to superspence. ;D can't wait to see you sunday [and show you a million things!] i love that interview with dr. phil. you know.. i could have been something like dr. phil in a past life too.. oh man, just picture it.. chinese dr. phil!! hahaha!
long distance kisses
[until i see you sunday]
<3 brittany.
Hi to all the NUTTS and their awesome nutty friends and of course to you, Spence!!!
It must have been made you feel so good to be out and about! Such progress in such a relatively short time. I am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments thus far. Keep it up!
Remember: Veni, Vidi, Vici (it's about the only Latin that I remember....LOL, but is appropriate)
love and hugs to all,
Hi Spence!
It has been awhile - I forgot my password and just now found the time to try as many as I could and one worked! Yay!
I hope that you are enjoying the reading of the gripping, pulsating, thrilling novel Sister Carrie! The rest of the class is relieved that they won't have to read it, but I hope that you like it!
We have not SEEN the video, but the kids in D Block sure enjoyed contributing to it...as did I. It was appropriate, right??? We miss you so much!
The blog is awesome; it is a great way for us to check on your progress - the photos are awesome!!! Keep up the good work!
Ms. O'B
ps. What was Dr. Phil like???
Hey Spencer,
It's good to see you out and about! We have been following your progress and are very impressed with all you have done. Keep up the good work!
-Leah, Gracie and the Harrigans
Hey Spence!
i love that picture-
i loved seeing you on Monday! especially watching your dancing and watching the bunny and hamster battle it out in a beat-boxing/singing showdown. how's B-Diddy doing? im sure you're entertaining the nurses with it, and probably Greg.I heard that people made you a medallion to match the bunny's! I'm sure its pretty spiffy :)I will have to see it on my next visit- whenever my mom gets carter to come with us, since she'd be lost without his directions.
Keep up the good work!
glad to see you out and about :]
i love the conversation w. dr. phil, especcially your dad's comment about easily pleasing liv @ the mall- im the same way as liv when i go shopping, so im sure your dad would love bringing me ;)
my mom gave your mom a bunch of movies for you to watch! enjoy*
- Taylor :)
Hi Spencer -
Welcome back to the world of fresh air and noisy malls! Just in time for spring (well "spring" as you can get in New England right?) It sure looked like you were enjoying your day!! I am totally with you and Taco Bell - and the soft tacos are my favorite! Hope you really enjoyed!!
I sent your picture and update to Mike and Marie. They said to say hello to you, your mom and dad and that they send you good thoughts and prayers every day!!
As always I am sending you love, strength and prayers too!!
Hey Spence!
Awesome picture!! and story too!! haha :) So did you know that I never even had Taco Bell until I moved to Florida?!?! Now I'm totally addicted to the soft chicken tacos and could eat them everyday!!! It would definitely be my first stop too. Sounds like you are making a lot of progress, keep up the great work!
Hey Spence,
You look wonderful and HAPPY....all your hard work is paying off and will continue!!!!! Now, as for your answers..do I detect a new "Tude"..I LOVE IT...Perhaps this tradgedy in your life has given you the excuse to say what you really want to say.(meaning you have always been such a gentleman to any and everyone, inherited from your Dad) THERE'S NO STOPPING SPENCER NUTTAL...
Love you kiddo,
Mary, Mary
That is so awesome! im glad you enjoyed your day out. When you come home i'm sure you will be surprisingly impressed with our mall (for once)... So now you have two swords; Does that mean I get to defend myself now or will I still be unarmed(and beaten)? I guess we'll have to see next time! keep up the great work Spence and Stay Strong! Love ya!
<33 Heather
That is so awesome! im glad you enjoyed your day out. When you come home i'm sure you will be surprisingly impressed with our mall (for once)... So now you have two swords; Does that mean I get to defend myself now or will I still be unarmed(and beaten)? I guess we'll have to see next time! keep up the great work Spence and Stay Strong! Love ya!
<33 Heather
Hey Spence and the other NUTTS.
Progress and great to see. Fresh air - kinda - it is Boston, so the term fresh is used loosely. But to get out is awesome. Continue to be strong and stay on that forward track. God Speed.
The Dohertys
i can't get enough of that picture. keep smiling. =]
<33 bodacious britt.
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