Thursday, March 6, 2008

Today Spencer did his usual walking plus he tried kneeling for the first time. They had him do this using a ball to balance to himself. The therapists really gave him a good workout because he was exhausted. I know that they see how much he wants to get better,so they push him to the max.
Although he hasn't started with her yet, his tutor came in today to talk to him. From what i am told i am not sure which one would be the tutor and which one would be the student. As i said before, previously she was a Latin teacher and was looking forward to tutoring this with Spence. I guess she saw the material they are covering in AP Latin and now is not so sure. His AP calc. and programming she said forget about it. (Mrs Chaves and Mrs DeSousa you may be earning frequent traveler miles to
thank you to all


Britt_Juszkiewicz said...

aww AP Calc will be a snap for you! :-) Hey I can definately help with that. I am a phone call away in Bridgewater majoring in Math no less. Keep up the good work bud!You're on my mind 24-7!

(Your Greece Buddy)

Kendra said...

hey spence i got the answers to the book for you today they are the teacher's edition liv is gonna bring them to you! lov you!

Carolyn Walsh said...

hey Spence!! had to log in and post a message because I was thinking of you! It is great reading good news Spencer. David, Donna, Olivia, and Carter giving a big shout of from Amherst! STAY STRONG EVERYONE LOVE YOU GUYS!

<3 Carolyn

Brittany Lavoie said...

so spence, you gotta thank your uncle ted for the compliment for me, i just read his comment on the last post. we might need to send him up there for a little PT and give him some walking 101 lessons if he's falling down the stairs though. ;P

keep up the incredible work, you have no idea how proud i am of you! stay strong. once you're able to walk on your own, i think i'm gonna give you a few dancing lessons before prom, just to freshen your memory. ;D

love you!
<3 brittany.

ps. mom says hi and she's looking forward to seeing you. and my sister wants to come up and visit like crazy, so you'll see her sometime soon.

Jennifer said...

Hi Spencer and Family, this is Wendy's sister, Jen. My family has been praying for your recovery. We are so happy to hear of the strides that you have made. You are obviously a very strong young man. Take care, we will continue to keep you all in our thoughts.

TedG63 said...


Remember a Nuttall kneels for no man. Glad you got another room now I can bring all my Crip friends to visit. Anyway, frankly, this whole AP Latin thing sound made up. It's a dead language. How much learning is there to do? It's not like they're making up new words.Is there a Latin word for blog? Blogum?
Have a good weekend

Uncle Ted

Unknown said...

Hey Spence!
You're such an overachiever!!! I had 4 years of honors spanish and I can't remember a thing (Don't tell Mr. Dagraca!!) Keep up the good work, love you!

Heather said...

Spence if there is one thing i know about you its that you are brillant, your tutor will definately be learning alot from you. and just so you know.. i could not stop playing the word game. your dad was ready to kick Carter, Brian, and myself out of the car... i must say that i am getting pretty good at it! Well i should be seeing you soon and incase you have figured by now i love and miss you a wicked wicked wicked lot! Stay Strong!!

<33 Heather

Michaeline said...

Hi Spencer - I hope you had a good weekend! I am sure it was filled with visits in between work!! Yikes - Latin!!! Thank goodness I am at an elementary school working on teaching reading - that's more my speed!! It was great to read that you are starting to kneel - you never stop amazing me!! Sending you lots of good thoughts!!!

Susan said...

I love that you're working so hard and are so determined to get better. It seems like there are so many people who wouldn't do that. You are absolutely inspiring.
And from what I can gather, it doesn't seem like you'll have a problem with Latin and Calc anyway!