Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bolting the Joint part 2. Spence made it outside for the 2nd time today. This time he had to work at it though. There was no bus to take him, he got to ride in style!, hehad to get into his mother' s van. It was a trial run for his outing on Easter. Getting in the van took some thought as how to transfer him from wheelchair to van seat but with his improved strength and a little help it was not a big obstacle. Once he/we passed that test we took a mini excursion around boston. we went to WGBH to see his grandfather (he has a great story to tell) while the show "THE WORLD" was on the air. from there we took a tour thru the allston section of boston where his mother and I used to live. Funny i saw a place i used to work at, it was an OSCO drug then but is now a Rite-Aid. We travelled Comm. Ave to BU land where we saw the JONAS BROS bus. They must have been playing at the Agganis Arena or Paradise. Of course we found another TACO BELL and had to get a #6 with cherry pepsi before heading back to the hospital. the fresh air is always amazing no matter how windy it was!


Uncle Jay & Sarah said...

Next time ask your dad to swing on by Triple D's if you want to hear some stories! Glad to hear you got out again, hopefully the weather will warm up soon!

Sarah C

Vicki Downing said...

Hi Spencer: It's wonderfully cheering on all these dark and wet March days to hear of your continuing progress! I remember when your father and Uncle Ted visited me at my apartment in Allston when they were probably as old as you are now. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Easter together. Know that many prayers for you will be sent heavenward on that day!
Vicki Downing

Mary Mary said...

so you enjoyed getting SPRUNG.....and again (I know I keep repeating myself) but, you have taught us all what is sooooo very important in this world we all live in.....PLUS I'm sure you had to go the "Memory Lane" w/Dave & Donna...I wonder if they shared everything w/you !!!!!!
Love to all the Nuts

MaryD said...

Hey Spence -
So glad to hear you were out and about again- it must be so nice to breathe that fresh air even if the weather hasn't been that great.
It will be nice to be home for Easter. You are making progress everyday and we are so happy to hear about it. Hope you and the rest of the fam. have a great Easter!
Love the Dunderdale's - :oB

Brittany Lavoie said...

that sounds like an amazing day! you totally didn't tell me all of that when i talked to you last night!! hopefully the wind will die down for easter, i'll see you soon!

<3 always, bodacious britt.

TedG63 said...


Wait! You saw the Jonas Brothers bus and did not get me an autograph? WTF? I mean if you couldn't have gotten the cute one or the really cute one I would have settled for the kinda cute one. Your Dad should know the entire world is a Rite-Aid now. Wanted to thank my sister for mentioning something your grandmother is still pissed at me about. Glad you made to to Taco Bell. If your looking forward to some Root Beer stand, well I'll let your parents tell you about that.

Rhoda said...

Hi Spence: This is one of your many blog fans, that "Sunshine Girl" again. Even though you're not in school, I see you're still having to pass tests but it's no surprise to me that you and your folks are passing them with flying colors. When you want something bad enough, anything is possible. Just "breaking out" for a little while must be so rewarding :-) You've seen sights that this "old gal" has never seen. Keep it up! I know you're looking forward to a very Happy Easter so include my wishes in with all the rest. Keep going for the gold!

cameron & liam nutt said...

Hey Spence,
It's uncle Mike. Glad to hear you had a great day out on the town. Well start thinking of baby names because it's a girl! Right now Paige Rae is the front runner, but we are open to suggestions.
See you soon!

narerozi said...

Yet another big step by getting into your Mom's van...WTG!!!

Happy Easter to all.

love and hugs